Gardening Tips

Where to Start
You want to be self-sufficient. Where do you start? 

Where to Start Blog
Plant with purpose: Pest Control
Anything I plant or attempt to grow must have a purpose, other than looking pretty. As a busy mom of two, and a side of extra farm/cattle hand, I don’t have the time or space to care for things that are just pretty. A good part of homesteading is being purposeful with your resources. Your time, your space, and in some places your water, are all valuable. Make sure you are using them the best you can.

Plant with Purpose
Plant with Purpose: Herbs
Another way I chose which plants to start growing regularly was what do we consume the most of (excluding garden plants). HERBS!! I love to season food with home grown herbs and spices. So naturally I decided to grow them.

Plant with purpose: Home Remedies
A recent interest I have found is using plants for home remedies. I discovered is many of the “weeds” were beneficial!

Home Remedies
Plants, Extracts, Salves and Essential Oils
Saving plants to use during the winter is vital. If you are going to use them for cooking or teas, you can simply dry them down. But if you are wanting to use them for more medicinal preventative use, you need a different method of storage.

Plants, Extracts, Salves and Essential Oils
4 Beginner Gardening Tips to Save you Time
I’m often asked when people see or hear about my gardens: “How do you get it all done?” The short answer, ‘Little by little.” I started small with my garden, a few simple easy to grow plants and have expanded from there. Every year my garden has grown a bit, with more plants, more variety, and more space. Along the way I learned a few things that help cut down on the amount of work over the summer.

Beginner Gardner Tips
Fall Garden To- Dos
The ground has produced its bounty for you and is now turning dormant for the winter. But for next year's garden, there are a few things you can do now to care for that soil, so it will continue to produce a bounty for you next year.

Fall Garden To-Dos