Free Resources
5 Ways to Reduce Your Grocery Bill
Food is often one of the most challenging things to budget. Getting quality, nutritious food on a tight budget is even harder. I've been there, as I transitioned home to raise my kids. Our budget was cut in half, but our food demand remained the same. Here are some free tips I've learned to help keep my family feed and still in budget.  
3 Tips to Save you Money

I transitioned home to raise my kids, our budget was cut in half. The task of reordering our dollars was huge, but important to keeping us out of debt.

Here are some free tips I've learned to help keep my families needs met and still in budget.
Give me the tips
Downloadable Chicken Log
When the goal is to grow your own food, making sure you are still making money is important. This log is set up to help you track your expenses and income from your chickens. It's a few pages Free out of my organizer just for you!

Chicken Log Download
Downloadable Planting Log and Garden Map

When planting your garden for food security, it is important to keep record of what you planted, when and how it produced, and notes. Here's a few FREE pages out of my organizer for you to use to get started.

I'm throwing in a companion planting guide and garden map to help you out.

Downloadable Harvest & Preservation Record
When gardening for food security, it is important to keep record of what you planted, how it produced, and notes. Here's a FREE page out of my organizer for you to use to get started.

I’m adding in a common processing times chart and preservation record for free just for you!

Happy harvesting!

7 Beginner Steps to Wellness from the Inside Out

Everyone wants a healthier home, with less illness. But how and where do you start?! Keep reading for simple tips I found that worked for me in my busy life.

Read all the way to the bottom for my personal simple non-toxic lotion! 
Get the tips
Simple Start to Natural Living
I had heard that “wellness is not the absence of sickness” and that resonated with me. Yes, I wanted my family healthy, but I did not fully understand wellness was more than that. Four years later, there have been many lessons learned, failures that I chose to re-frame into “an opportunity to change”, many wins for our family, and lastly, an awakening of sorts. I have realized that I can control so many things in our daily lives + many things I can’t. But I have been “awakened” to the harmony between those.

And I want to share with you what I have found. You are worth it, your wellness is worth it.
Best Diet for Pregnancy

Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. Eating correctly, especially while pregnant can prevent many complications too.

Get the Free Guide to the best diet for a healthy pregnancy!

Releasing Emotions
So often we are taught to bury and shove our emotions down. But those emotions don't go away. They cause havoc and disease in the body until they can no longer be ignored.

Get the FREE guide to unlocking the emotions preventing you from healing!

7 Reasons Why I Ditched Candles

When you think of candles, how does it make you feel? Snuggly? Warm? I used to be OBSESSED with candles. I had them in every room. Used them daily!

Those feelings you feel when burning candles are usually linked to those smells. The limbic system (the emotional center of your brain) is strongly linked to scent. Scents are connected to memories, good + bad, so when we smell them, it can bring back those same feelings imprinted on our limbic system.

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