Are your paradigms in the way of your harmony?

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What is something that truly frustrates you? The one thing that no matter what the situation, gets under your skin? I have always been an analyzer. I was also taught that for every situation, there is another side, you may not know until you dig or ask. As I have grown older, I have carried these habits with me. 

It bothered me in high school, and it bothers me today. When people see one side of the picture, instead of looking at all sides of an issue. This can be a simple argument, or a huge political issue. Looking at both sides of the picture can shift your perspective greatly, in either case, or anywhere in between.  The trick comes in learning to filter through your own paradigm. 

What is a paradigm? According to, 

“A paradigm is a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. A paradigm is a way of looking at something. The word paradigm comes up a lot in the academic, scientific, and business worlds. ... When you change paradigms, you're changing how you think about something.

Each of us has a different paradigm based on how we were raised and our life experiences. If you do not keep an open mind, be willing to ask questions and truly listen, to gain understanding of their opinion, you will only stay in the same argument state. By having open conversations, where you are willing to let your perspective be challenged, you gain insight and understanding. Your opinion may not change, but your heart will be able to understand where the other side is standing. Why they believe what they do. 

In the past 5 years, I have allowed my paradigm to be challenged and changed over and over. In conversations with friends and other people, I have allowed my thoughts on medicine, food, and health be challenged. After many of those conversations, I usually dug into more research on my own. That is what I do. I want the whole story, I want the science. After those research digs, my perspective and opinion changed at least a little. All because I was willing to be open and dig more. I was willing to see the other side of an opinion. 

Where have your paradigms been challenged recently?

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