Dropps Laundry Review: Clean, Easy, and Effective for Moms

Dropps Laundry Review: Clean, Easy, and Effective for Moms
As a mom, doing laundry is a never-ending task. From battling stubborn stains to trying to find a detergent that won't irritate sensitive skin, it can be overwhelming. When I discovered I had a sensitivity to cinnamon (of all things!) that was causing inflammation in my body, I had to find a new laundry soap. That's when a friend recommended Dropps to me. Not only are their ingredients clean and free from harmful toxins, but they are also incredibly easy to use. My five-year-old can even start the laundry now! In this blog post, I'll share my review of Dropps Laundry and why it has become a staple in my household.
First and foremost, Dropps Laundry is made with clean ingredients. As a mom, I want to make sure that the products we use in our household are safe for my family and the environment. Dropps checks both of those boxes, as they are made without any harmful chemicals, dyes, or fragrances. It's also a great option for those with sensitive skin, as they offer an unscented sensitive skin detergent that works wonders. 
Another reason I love Dropps Laundry is how easy they are to use. Instead of messy liquid detergent or heavy pods, Dropps are small dissolvable packets that you simply toss into the washer. Not only does this make it easier for me to do laundry, but it also helps with portion control. I no longer have to worry about using too much or too little detergent. It's perfect for my busy lifestyle as a mom.
Being a mom on a farm means my family's clothes often have tough stains and dirt from outdoor activities. I'm happy to say that Dropps handles even the dirtiest laundry. For those extra-tough stains, we add the oxi booster, which works wonders on mud, cloth diapers, and even clothing from potty training accidents (ahem). It's great to have a laundry detergent that can handle everything my family throws at it.
Dropps also cares about the environment. Their packaging is recyclable, and they are a member of 1% for the Planet, which means they donate 1% of their annual revenue to environmental causes. As a mom who wants to leave a better world for my children, it's comforting to know that the products I'm using are helping to make a difference.
Overall, I highly recommend Dropps Laundry for any mom looking for a safe, easy, and effective laundry detergent. The clean ingredients, easy-to-use packets, and ability to handle even the dirtiest laundry makes it a household staple for my family. Plus, knowing that they care about the environment and our health only adds to my confidence in the brand. 
Give Dropps a try and see the difference it can make in your laundry routine! You can try some using my link here
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So, I MADE MY OWN. You can look at it on the link below and buy it on amazon below.
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own. 
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include gardening, bulk buying, caning/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision. 
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life. 
Supporting Your Family Naturally from the Inside Out community!! This community is for Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically, all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years of my journey. We have moved off Facebook, to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly options for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
For more on wellness tips click here:
For more on homesteading on your budget click here:

A Review of Roots Apothecary Adaptive Cacao: The Perfect Alternative for Coffee Lovers

A Review of Roots Apothecary Adaptive Cacao: The Perfect Alternative for Coffee Lovers
As a mom who spends most of her time on the farm, I know how important it is to start my day with a warm cup of coffee. However, after realizing that coffee was causing inflammation in my body, I had to give it up. It was a difficult time for me, as I missed the comfort of my morning cup. While searching for a coffee alternative, I came across Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao. Not only did it satisfy my coffee cravings, but it also had the added bonus of adaptive mushrooms to manage the everyday stress of life on the farm. In this blog post, I will share my experience with Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao.
To start with, Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao is more like a hot chocolate than coffee. It has a smooth, creamy texture that feels indulgent without the added guilt. It is made from high-quality cacao beans, which give the drink its rich, chocolatey flavor. Once you add hot water or your preferred milk, you get a warm and comforting drink that is perfect for chilly mornings.
What sets Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao apart from other hot chocolate blends is the addition of adaptive mushrooms. These mushrooms are known for their ability to adapt to stress and support the body's immune system. The blend includes reishi, chaga, and lion's mane mushrooms, which are widely recognized for their health benefits. The mushrooms also make the drink more filling, so you don't feel the need to snack as often.
Another advantage of Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao is that it is caffeine-free. If you are sensitive to caffeine or are trying to limit your intake, this beverage is the perfect alternative to coffee. I found that it gave me the same energy boost without the jitters or crash that often come with coffee. It also means that I can enjoy it any time of the day without worrying about disrupting my sleep cycle.
If you are looking for a sweet treat that won't sabotage your diet, Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao is a great option. It is made with natural sweeteners like coconut sugar and monk fruit, which have a lower glycemic index than regular sugar. This means that they won't cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, leaving you feeling lethargic and hungry. The sweeteners also give the drink a pleasant sweetness without being overpowering.
In conclusion, Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao has become a staple in my kitchen. Not only is it a great alternative to coffee, but it also has the added benefits of adaptive mushrooms and natural sweeteners. It is a delicious and comforting drink that leaves me feeling energized and satisfied. If you are looking for a new hot beverage to try, I highly recommend giving Roots Apothecary adaptive cacao a chance.

Use this link with code CASSANDRAROW for 40% off your first order!
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So, I MADE MY OWN. You can look at it on the link below and buy it on amazon below.
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own. 
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include gardening, bulk buying, caning/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision. 
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life. 
Supporting Your Family Naturally from the Inside Out community!! This community is for Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically, all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years of my journey. We have moved off Facebook, to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly options for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
For more on wellness tips click here:
For more on homesteading on your budget click here:

A review of Primal Life Toothpowder

A review of Primal Life Toothpowder
In 2022 when I found out, I could no longer have cinnamon. I had to find a different toothpaste. The nontoxic toothpaste I had been using, and my family loved, was no longer an option. I had tried some homemade toothpaste, and while they worked, they had a very strange texture that I did not like at all.
Someone had mentioned Using primal life. So, I looked into it. It is a tooth powder instead of paste, which was different but easier to keep the kids from squeezing an entire tube of toothpaste out. The ingredients are all clean and natural. And it has the minerals to help build the tooth enamel.
At first, I tried just a little jar to see if I liked it. The texture was different than traditional toothpaste texture. However, it was definitely better than the homemade. I began to phase the rest of the toothpaste out and switch the rest of the family over, so I was only buying one thing.  
The older two, six and four, caught on quite quickly to let the toothbrush tap it off then dip it in the powder tap the toothbrush again. The youngest, 2 years old, thought it was fun to just brush her teeth whenever and dump the tooth powder. 
I ended up keeping a partial jar of tooth powder on top of the medicine cabinet where it was not reachable. Then it out at toothbrushing time for everyone to use before putting it back.
We use the charcoal whitening tooth powder. While it startled the kids, the first time they brushed their teeth and their teeth were black, they quickly got over it when they realized it rinsed off.  I wouldn’t say it has the whitening ability of the chemical whitening strips, but it does work as good or better as any whitening toothpaste I have tried. 
Overall, what I recommend it? Yes, without a doubt. You can grab yours for $5 off with the link below. 
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So, I MADE MY OWN. You can look at it on the link below and buy it on amazon below.
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own. 
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include gardening, bulk buying, caning/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision. 
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life. 
Supporting Your Family Naturally from the Inside Out community!! This community is for Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically, all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years of my journey. We have moved off Facebook, to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly options for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
For more on wellness tips click here:
For more on homesteading on your budget click here:

A review of The Tapping Solution

A review of The Tapping Solution
A few years back, I got introduced to this thing called tapping. While I wasn’t keen on the idea of tapping all over my face in public, I was curious about what it could do. 
The basics of tapping is like acupressure where it is targeting specific points in tapping meridians to help release stress emotions, etc. I was a bit skeptical but had heard about it from a couple of different people. I trusted, so I decided to try it for myself.
After I got the hang of it, I learned there were points in your hand that were the same as the ones on your face. This made it much easier for me to do in public as it was less noticeable. 
The first time I tried it was before I started a lot of my gut healing. we were black Friday shopping in Boomgars with three kids and cart to people. Not the best idea ever. I began to feel the anxiety coming on. So, I decided to try this tapping thing.
Hi, my cart with my husband, but kind of zoned out for a little bit as I started tapping on the points in the hand after a couple rounds What was going on instead of panicking this was a cool, I should keep.
Fast-forward to this past year. I’d healed my gut and anxiety was no longer a problem. But I was still having problems managing my stress and bringing my hormones into balance.
Well, running through all the tools and my toolbox one night trying to come up with something that would help me sleep better and decrease the stress in my body, tapping, came to mind again. So, I tried it.  I fell asleep before I got through the entire and when I woke up the next morning it was to the gentle music that was playing in the background tapping meditation. But I slept really well that night.
Over the next few months, I continued to use the tapping every night to help with the stress of daily farm and mom life. I began to see a much bigger difference in my body’s response to balancing.
My adrenals began to come back online, even more than with the supplements alone. And my hormones were starting to balance in optimum ranges, where, before they were bottomed out even with supplements. 
So, is tapping worth it? And is paying for the subscription to the tapping app worth it? Would say 100% yes Would say 100% yes. 
A week for free using the link below.

As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So, I MADE MY OWN. You can look at it on the link below and buy it on amazon below.
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own. 
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include gardening, bulk buying, caning/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision. 
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life. 
Supporting Your Family Naturally from the Inside Out community!! This community is for Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically, all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years of my journey. We have moved off Facebook, to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly options for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
For more on wellness tips click here:
For more on homesteading on your budget click here: