This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
We all know how important it is to get a good night's sleep. But did you know that sleep is actually essential for your health? That's right, when you sleep your body is able to heal and repair itself. So, if you're not getting enough rest, you're putting your health at risk.
Why Sleep is Important
As we mentioned before, sleep is essential for our health. When we sleep our bodies are able to repair and heal themselves. This means that if we're not getting enough rest, we're putting our health at risk. Not only that, but when we're well rested we're able to think more clearly and be more productive. That's because our brains are better able to function when we're well rested.
How Sleep Helps the Body Heal
During sleep, your body gets rid of toxins and heals itself. According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep helps the body heal by:
-Reducing inflammation: Inflammation is a natural process that helps the body heal from injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can lead to health problems such as heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Getting enough rest can help reduce inflammation.
- preparing immune cells for action: When you sleep, your body produces cytokines—proteins that fight off infection and promotesleep. Cytokines help defend your body against foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. getting enough rest can help prepare immune cells for action and protect against illnesses such as the flu or common cold.
- repairing tissue damage:Sleep gives your body time to repair tissue damage caused by factors such as stress, UV rays, and pollution. During deep sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH), which helps repair cell damage inflicted during the day. regular restsaid allows your body ample time to make repairs so you can wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
- Regulating hunger hormones: Ghrelin and leptin are two hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. Ghrelin signals the body when it’s time to eat, while leptin tells the brain when to stop eating. When you don’t get enough sleep, levels of ghrelin increase while levels of leptin decrease—this can lead to overeating or cravings for unhealthy foods. getting enough rest can help regulate these hormones and prevent overeating or poor food choices.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
Most experts recommend that adults get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night. However, there are some people who need more or less than that. infants, for example, usually need between 12 and 16 hours of sleep per day. And as we get older, we tend to need less sleep. For example, older adults usually only need around 7 or 8 hours of sleep per day.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why getting a good night's sleep is important for both physical and mental health. If you're not getting enough rest, your body, and therefore your health, will suffer in many ways. To avoid this, make sure to set aside enough time each day for a full night's sleep. Your body will thank you for it!
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
You are what you eat, as the saying goes. And that’s true to a certain extent. As a working mom, you are always on the go and it can be hard to make time for healthy meals. You may not realize it, but the food you are putting into your body has the power to heal or harm you, impacting your overall health. Eating the right foods can help your body to function properly and to heal itself. But eating the wrong foods can make your body work harder or even harm it. So, how can you tell if the food you’re eating is helping or hurting you?
What you eat matters. The right foods can help your body to function properly and even help to fight off disease. However, the wrong foods can make your body work harder or even harm it. Here are some examples of how the right or wrong foods can affect your body:
Healing Foods
There are certain foods that have healing properties. For example, ginger is known to help with nausea and vomiting. Garlic has antimicrobial properties and can help to fight off infections. Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat wounds.
Harmful Foods
On the other hand, there are also foods that can be harmful to your body. For example, processed meats like hot dogs and deli meat have been linked to cancer. Refined carbohydrates like white bread and pasta can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. And sugary drinks like soda can lead to weight gain.
There are a few things to consider when determining whether the food you’re eating is good for you or not. One is the quality of the food. Is it fresh or processed? Processed foods are often high in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats. Fresh foods are typically better for you because they haven’t been treated with chemicals or other additives.
Another thing to consider is the quantity of the food. If you eat too much of anything, it’s not good for you. That’s why it’s important to eat in moderation and to be mindful of portion sizes.
The final thing to think about is how the food was prepared. fried foods, for example, are generally not as healthy as baked or grilled foods because they tend to be higher in fat and calories. So, if you’re trying to eat healthy, it’s important to be aware of how your food was cooked.
When it comes to determining whether the food you’re eating is good for you or not, there are a few things to consider. The quality of the food, the quantity of the food, and how the food was prepared all play a role in its overall healthfulness. By being mindful of these things, you can make sure that the food you’re putting into your body is doing more good than harm.
Click here to join my free community for mommas wanting support feeding and caring for their family simply
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We all know life can be crazy and busy. It seems like there's always something to do and not enough time to do it. If you're feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to simplify your life. But what does that mean? And how do you even begin to simplify your life when it feels so complicated?
Here are five tips to help you get started:
Schedule some "me" time: When you're constantly on the go, it's important to schedule some time for yourself. Whether it's a few minutes each day or a couple hours each week, make sure you have some time set aside to relax and do things you enjoy. This will help reduce stress and make it easier to handle everything else on your plate.
Create a routine: Routines can help simplify our lives by giving us a sense of structure. Having a set time for things like meals, exercise, and bedtime can help minimize decision fatigue and make us more productive.
Don't overcommit: It's easy to say yes to everything, but that can quickly lead to burnout. Learn to say no sometimes, and only commit to the things that are truly important to you. This will free up your time and energy for the things that matter most.
Streamline your belongings: Most of us have too much stuff, and all that stuff can be overwhelming. Get rid of anything you don't need or use, and streamline the rest so it's easy to find and put away.
Prioritize your health: When we're busy, our health is often the first thing to suffer. But if we don't take care of ourselves, we'll be even less equipped to handle everything else on our plates. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and getting some exercise every day.
Life is always going to be busy, but that doesn't mean we have to feel overwhelmed all the time. By simplifying our lives, we can reduce stress, be more productive, and actually enjoy our free time instead of feeling like we need a vacation from our vacation. Give these tips a try and see how they work for you!
Click here to join my free community for mommas wanting support feeding and caring for their family simply
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If you're a working mom, you know that the lists never seem to end. There's the grocery list, the to-do list, the list of errands to run, the list of things to pack for your kid's school lunch... It can be overwhelming! And on top of all of that, you're expected to be productive at work and be a present, involved parent when you're at home. So how do you find the time to get everything done?
By getting organized and developing a good time management system, that's how! Here are some tips to get you started:
List Making
One of the best ways to get organized is to make lists. Lists help you keep track of what needs to be done and ensure that nothing gets forgotten. Whenever you think of something that needs to be done, add it to your list. You can keep a running list on your phone or in a notebook so that you can add to it whenever something comes up.
Time Blocking
Time blocking is a time management technique where you block off chunks of time on your calendar for specific tasks. For example, you might block off an hour in the morning for answering emails and another hour in the afternoon for returning phone calls. By breaking your day down into smaller chunks, you can make sure that you're using your time efficiently and getting things done.
Scheduling is another great way to stay organized and make sure that you're getting everything done. When you have a lot on your plate, it can be helpful to sit down and schedule out your week. That way, you'll know exactly what needs to be done when and can plan accordingly. If possible, try to schedule some buffer time into your week so that if something comes up or takes longer than expected, you're not thrown off course.
There's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to time management. What works for one person might not work for another. The important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it. By making lists, blocking off time on your calendar, and scheduling out your week, you can take control of your time and start crossing items off of your ever-growing list!
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
I used to think I was a patient person. I could work with kids of all kinds and never loose my cool. Then I had kids….I am not the most patient with kids who I am around all day every day. But you know who else I’ve never been patient with? Me.
I have understanding and time to let others grow and learn. Myself? I want to be good at whatever the skill is right now. That’s the perfectionist coming out.
Recently, I started feeding cattle on our family operation. Mind, this in not a new job to me. I spent one summer feeding cattle in a large feedlot about 9 years ago. And I was accurate and good at it. Now I am working with older equipment and a wagon instead of a truck, but I started slow! Like it took almost 3 hours to load, mix and feed one load. Yes the wagon takes a long time to mix, but most of that was operator.
As I was slowly loading, careful to not break anything, I caught myself comparing. Comparing to my husband, the normal feeder, and my 9 years ago self. Then I was making excuses, for why I was so slow. And then I stopped myself, after owning to my husband that the load was not very accurate. He told me “it’s ok. It’s your first load”.
I was starting to get frustrated I wasn’t faster. Then it dawned on me. You can’t compare yourself. You must be patient with the learning process. When I first started feeding, I was slow too. And then a week went by and I was faster.
It was a good check for me on what else am I not being patient within the journey? Then it dawned on me I am not patient with myself at all. My gut healing, nope. Want it faster. The growing business? Nope, wanted that going a year ago. The meat business? Nope, want the market, and supply now. My own rediscovering who I am? Absolutely not. I want to know now.
The truth is, if we don’t slow down and be patient with ourselves in the journey, we miss the valuable lessons to be learned. Growth happens in the journey, not the destination.
Stop comparing yourself to others journey. Be patient in your own journey and growth. You will bloom when you are ready and not before. Keep moving forward one step at a time.
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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For more on wellness tips click here:
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For more simple DIY updates click here:
This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
“I’m gonna sell the cows.”
I couldn’t believe my ears he loved the cows. We bought the cows, to help us build income. They made a way for us to come home to the farm. But at the same time, I had some relief and then guilt because of all the times in the past three years I’ve wished, for the cows to be gone. Usually on the nights I was alone again, or times plans changed because of the cows, and I was on my own again. Or I was staring at a stack of cow bills wondering how they were going to be paid.
I really did love the cows and knew he did too. So why sell now?
“We’ll keep 40-50 of the Corrientes’s but let everybody else go. That will give us enough to keep the beef business and they’ll be able to run on the small pasture. Maybe after harvest we’ll get some stockers. This will fix several of our problems.”
I couldn’t argue. I knew what the books look like, and I knew what feed costs were. As much as neither one of us wanted this. It was the best option to get in a better spot financially.
We have been handed a shaky foundation and were trying to fix it by building bigger and more diverse, covering our needs, and bringing in more income. But only to find ourselves spinning our wheels, out of time and money, and burnt out.
So here we are. Most of the cows will be gone by the end of the month. We’re restructuring, eliminating, and rebuilding a sturdy foundation. We’re simplifying our operation to better accommodate the labor we have.
When a foundation is crumbling, eventually you must stop building above, and fix the foundation, or the entire building will crumble. That is exactly what we are doing. We’re fixing our foundation, making it square and sturdy again.
One day we may grow again, but only time will tell.
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
Sometimes in life we must do hard things. Sometimes the journey is harder than we expect. The climb is longer and the mountain higher than you thought when you started. It’s in the middle of these times you begin to wonder if the dream you had is worth it.
It is good to dream big. But what happens when that dream seems unreachable, and harder than you expected?
I really don’t have any advice for you, but I am here to tell you, that you are not alone. We are each in the middle of our own storm, but I’m right there with you.
The goals my husband and I have for the family farm is huge. The mountain we are climbing is higher than either of us imagined. The stress of it all has taken its toll on us both. My body has physically broken down and it has been a slow process repairing it.
During this storm however, God has been working in my heart. He’s been leading me back to Him and reminding me that he has it all under control. He knows the end, and as much as it frustrates me not knowing, I must trust Him in the journey. Letting Him shape my heart.
I’ve learned to care for my health, not just everyone else. I’ve learned to seek out help when needed. And stand up for me, changing providers when needed.
One key is to stick to your morals to guide you. Admitting when you're wrong. Asking God for direction, and always doing what is right.
I know this month has been different kind of blogs, but it’s what has been on my mind lately. Here’s to you. Going through the hard stuff too ❤️
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
Ever thought about what you would write to yourself looking back? As I’ve reflected on the past decade, there’s a few things that stand out. And no way the 20-year-old me would listen 🙃 but I wrote one anyway.
Dear 20-year-old me,
If I told you everything that is going to happen to you in the next 10 years you wouldn’t believe it. The way you think your future is heading, is going to change. You won’t go to vet school, but you will get a masters. You will have some of the biggest heart breaks and biggest blessings in the next decade.
That guy you’re dating. Ya you’ll marry him. And you two will walk through what feels like fire together. You’ll fight. You’ll lose touch. But you will come back to each other. You’ll learn to fight for each other. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
You’ll get married, have kids, but your career won’t look the way you currently picture it. It will change a few times. And you’ll learn to adapt. You’ll learn more than you ever dreamed about human nutrition and health. Your health will struggle. You’ll have a few surgeries.
You will lose your identity, but don’t worry, you’ll remember who you are again. You’ll lose faith in old systems and find healing in new systems.
You’ll lean into God so hard at time you can hear him breath. You’ll scream at him so hard you cry. You’ll ignore him. But He’ll always be there waiting for you.
You’ll love. You’ll stress. The stress will almost kill you at times. And right at the end of your 20s you’ll finally realize you must handle stress better and start making changes.
Truth be told your 20s are going to be the hardest decade yet. But you’ll make it. You’ll change. You’ll become stronger.
Here’s to the next decade. The best is yet to come. ❤️❤️
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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For more on wellness tips click here:
For more on homesteading on your budget click here:
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This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links, with NO additional cost to you.
As a busy mom, running business, and living rural, I am all for easy buttons. If I can get the quality I’m looking for, delivered to me, you bet I’m going to take it. No loading the kids up, there’s 3 of them. No burning gas to driving to a big store. No dragging the kids through the store asking for everything they see. I’ll take the products delivered, Thank you.
I do enjoy shopping local and like to patronize local stores as much as possible. But as I said, I live rural. My local town is 300 people. But they do have nice stores. As our family has evolved and shifted our health and diet needs, some of those things I cannot get at the local store. That is where I must either go to a city, HyVee is 1.5 hours away and Walmart 1 hour. Or I can have them delivered.
As I have continued my own journey in being proactive with our health, I have become quite picky on what products I bring into my home. I do not want synthetics, parabens, chemicals, and endocrine disruptors. News flash, most products sold on store shelves contain those. You can read more on the complete list and where they are commonly found, in this past blog post .
One of the brands I have come to love, and trust is the Young Living brand. They are not all essential oils! They have quite a few home products as well. All plant based, nontoxic, and chemical free. The scents are from truly pure essential oils, and they are all listed on the labels (no sketchy fragrance secrete). And they have a subscription program!
Some of my favorites that are routinely in my monthly box are below. No, they are not all in there every month. In the list is also about how often I order them. Clicking the name will take you straight to the product.
- Ningxia Red: A tasty juice puree, packed full of nutrients. I can mix this into a hot tea in the cool days or add some club soda for a fizzy drink in the warm weather. I order 4 bottles every month.
- Thieves household cleaner: I use this for everything! Counters, floors, mirrors, stain buster, de-grimmer, laundry booster, and I’m sure more I’m forgetting. I buy the big bottle about 1 once per year.
- Shampoo and Conditioner: I prefer the Copaiba Vanilla shampoo and conditioneror Lavender Mint Shampoo and conditionerfor me. And the KidScents Shampoo for the kids. I buy 1 bottle a year. The stuff lasts forever.
- Body Wash: For me I like to use the Bath & Shower Gel Base, then I can change the scent up using the oils I have. I buy 1 bottle every year and mix it into a foam pump bottle.
- Laundry soap: I split this bottle into 4 and buy one every 6 months or so.
- Hand soap: I prefer the thieves soap and buy the refill bottle every 6 months or so.
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So I MADE MY OWN. You can take a look at it on the link blow and buy it on amazon below
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Helping Your Family Homestead for Food group! This community is for the Mommas, looking to stay home and raise their kids, but unsure how to keep everyone fed and make ends meet. I share tips from my journey from the office, to half the income and feeding my family from home, while maintaining good nourishing food. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life.
Supporting Your Family Naturally From the Inside Out community!! This community is for the Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years if my journey. We have moved off Facebook, so to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly option for providing for your family in the best way possible.
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I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma
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