Memories in the Making

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Growing up, harvest is one of my favorite times of year. Didn’t matter the kind, I loved it! I would time my week long sewing trip to Colorado, so I would be there at the same time as the wheat harvest. Fall in Nebraska meant corn harvest and Nebraska football games. I loved those rides sitting on the bucket in the old red Massy combine with Grandpa, or later on the new green JohnDeere tractor with Great Grandpa. I don’t remember much of those conversations, but I’m sure my Grandpa does. What I do remember was the fun of just being with them during the harvest. 

Now as an adult, I have come to cherish those memories. I cherish every moment I have with my family. As I have grown older, I have started to watch my grandparents age. What seemed impossible in my young mind, Grandma and Grandpa won’t grow old, I’m beginning to see as an adult. Time takes its toll on everything. 

My children are blessed to be raised on the farm. They now are making their own memories in the harvest field. From the combine rides, to grain cart rides, to rides in the trucks. I am pretty sure the oldest believes she can drive the trucks and grain cart, and will tell you if you are not doing it correctly. She has an opinion, and will tell you where she is riding, which could change round to round. But the Grandpa’s all love it, completely entertained with her conversation, and drop her off or switch her to wherever she wants to ride next.  The youngest is bound and determined to push every button or lever possible and thinks he can steer and open the traps. 

Both of them have learned to entertain themselves quite well. They are also learning safety and perfecting the listening skills, like why ear muffs are important. But they aren’t going to remember the lessons they have learned, or probably even the conversations. They are going to remember how they felt. They will remember the playing in the corn pile that was spilled. They will remember how they felt loved and included. How their presence and time were enjoyed. For me I’m using this time to slow down. Enjoy the time with each of my Grandparents and watch my kids with them. You had better believe I am taking pictures. 

Today, I have the great privilege of living close to both my parents and my husband's parents, and 3 out of the 4 grandparents. You had better believe I soak up every moment I can with each of them! I enjoy the long days in the field with them. I choose to clean my grandparents house, simply because I enjoy the day with them. I love that my children have the opportunity to get to know each of them. 

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