Easy Dairy Free Hot Chocolate Mix

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With winter rolling in early this year, I found myself wanting some hot chocolate after a blustery morning feeding all the animals. The kids 3 and 1 were all in favor of this idea to warm up. The problem? My 1 year old and I cannot have dairy and the only mix in the house had dairy. 

I could have made a batch on the stove like my mom used to do, but we did not need that much hot chocolate. So I started digging through my recipes to see if I could find one that I could alter. I found 2 buried in the recipe box. One for actual hot chocolate mix, the other to make stove top hot chocolate. The hot chocolate mix had way too much dairy to try and substitute out. The stove top hot chocolate however was simple and did not contain dairy until you made it. 

So I got busy and mixed it up, 6 parts sugar to 1 part cocoa powder. I added cinnamon and nutmeg, because I love them in hot chocolate. You could use coconut palm sugar if you wanted to make it healthier, but I did not have any on hand. I found one of my old swing top glass jars and started filling sugar, then cocoa, then the cinnamon and nutmeg. I filled the container until it was ¾ full and then closed the lid and shook it, to mix everything together.

I then heated a bit of almond milk and vanilla in a pan on the stove while the water kettle heated. Hindsight I could have heated everything together. The key is to have equal parts milk (or alternative) and water. Heat the milk until hot, but not boiling, stirring often, so the bottom does not burn or scald. I took 2 mugs and placed 1 T in each mug, then filled the mugs with the warm milk and water. Mix them well and done!

The 3 year old loved it right away. The 1.5 year old kept licking it like a dog, until he figured out how to drink it. He also loved it and barely let me drink any.

Hot Chocolate Mix - Dairy Free

6 Scoops sugar (can use coconut sugar or alternative if you desire)

1 Scoop Cocoa powder

Dash of cinnamon

Dash of Nutmeg

Fill an airtight container in layers, in the order given. When the container is ¾ full, tighten the lid and shake to mix.

To make the hot chocolate:

½ c water, ½ c milk alternative, 1 t vanilla

Heat milk alternative, vanilla, and water. Do NOT boil

Add 1 T of Coco mix.

Stir well and ENJOY!

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