Harvest Tips for Farm Wives
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Harvest season is both a chaotic and memorable time on the farm. While it brings the joy of the harvest, it also introduces many challenges, especially for farm wives who find themselves adapting to sudden changes. Having experienced eleven harvests as a farm wife, I’ve learned a few tricks to help make this time smoother and more enjoyable for the whole family.
The Challenges of Harvest Season
Sudden Single Parenting
My mom used to call it the "harvest widow season." During harvest, farm wives often have to manage without the extra hands and support of their husbands, taking on all the home duties solo. This sudden shift can be overwhelming, especially with kids asking, “Why isn’t Daddy home with us?”
Delivering Food to the Field
One of the unique challenges is meal management. Whether you’re delivering food to the field or keeping it warm until late at night, meals during harvest look different from the rest of the year. My kids love field meals, but it can be tough to keep everyone happy and fed without the dining table gathering.
The loneliness of harvest can be particularly tough if you’re a stay-at-home mom. The need for adult conversation and connection often goes unmet during this busy time, making it essential to find ways to stay connected and supported.
Practical Tips for a Smoother Harvest
Simplify What You Can Now
Preparation is key. Adjust chores to make them easier and less time-consuming. Consider self-feeders for livestock and automatic waterers. Change your chore schedule to fit the new routine better. Inside the house, enlist your kids' help early to set habits that will carry through the busy season. Small tasks like a quick nightly pickup can reset the house for the next day. 
An example of a big change for me this year is moving my chore times to earlier. Milking twice a day, means I must be consistent at 12-hour intervals and needed to move that time to 6:00 compared to 8:00. You can’t make that jump and keep the milk cow happy. So it’s a multi-week process to A move the chore time, but also B get myself up and moving earlier. 
Find Easy Recipes
Meals should be simple and stress-free. Opt for finger foods and easy-to-make dishes that kids love and are perfect for field meals. Prepping meals ahead of time and freezing them can be a lifesaver when you’re too tired to cook. Crockpots are great tools for those busy days, allowing you to have a hot meal ready with minimal effort and keep it warm for as long as needed.
Stay Connected
Don’t be afraid to take the kids out for some fun activities. Meet up with friends for playdates, visit a children’s museum, or enjoy a day at the park. Take the kids to the field to see daddy and ride a few rounds. If possible, plan a trip to see family. Use the first rainy day as an opportunity to connect and spend quality time together as a family.
Harvest season doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By preparing in advance, simplifying your routines, and staying connected, you can create smooth and memorable experiences for your family. Remember, you’re not alone in this—many farm wives share the same struggles and joys. 
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or want more support, join the Thriving Through Farm Distress group on Facebook, linked below. 
Together, we can turn challenges into cherished memories and create a thriving, loving home for your family. You’ve got this! ðŸŒ¾
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Thriving Through Farm Distress: Wife’s Support Network! In our community, we embrace the challenges of farm life and provide a supportive space for wives facing the complexities of managing a family farm. Whether you're navigating financial pressures, day-to-day operations, or seeking ways to create a thriving home, we're here for you. Explore gardening tips for cultivating your own oasis, share insights on animal care, and discover practical family budgeting strategies. Together, let's grow through challenges, flourish authentically, and sow the seeds for a resilient and thriving farm life. Join us on this journey of resilience and abundance! 
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Join the FREE Community
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