Easy Gluten/Dairy Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Sometimes you just want something sweet right? I personally love cookie dough. It is my weakness. Peanut butter chocolate chip? I’ll eat the whole bowl if I’m not careful. I have been dairy and gluten free for a year now, and good cookies are difficult to come by. So when a friend shared their favorite flourless peanut butter cookie recipe with me, you bet I tried it! 


I waited until after the kids were in bed (they did not need that sugar anyway). Then mixed up a batch and actually baked ,most of them to see how they would hold up. Of course I sampled the dough, because how else are you going to make sure they taste ok? As with most peanut butter cookie recipes, it made a small batch, and that is ok, because my husband and I ate them all before the next morning. The cookies tasted fantastic, and held together!


Later, I started to make small personal sized batches of this, mostly for portion control for myself. Take one scoop of peanut butter, sugar (approximately the same amount as the peanut butter), and a splash of pure vanilla extract and mix it all together. Then add a handful of chocolate chips and mix once more. You can use coconut palm sugar instead of regular sugar for a healthier option. You can also adjust the sugar amount down, so it is not as sweet. 


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies- Gluten and dairy free

1 cup peanut butter

1 cup sugar 

1 t pure vanilla extract

1 large egg beaten

1 cup allergen free chocolate chips


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix ingredients together and spoon onto a cookie sheet. Flatten slightly with a fork.

Bake for 10 minutes, until the edges are golden 


Personal Size Peanut Butter Dough

Equal parts peanut butter and sugar (or drizzle honey instead)

Splash of vanilla extract

Handful of allergen free chocolate chips.


Mix together and enjoy!


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