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You’ve made the goal to eat healthier, but where do you even start? Go back to Easy Whole Cooking for tips on cooking. Snacks are also important, with the holidays, food all parties, and general need for snacking with young ones, you cannot forget the importance of snacks. So where do you start?
To keep a healthy snack routine, stick with the whole food guidelines. Avoid foods/snacks with preservatives or are highly processed. This includes most crackers (triscuits and a few others like Off the Beaten Path maybe the only exceptions). The beloved summer sausage or beef sticks that show up at parties are also a no go. They are full of preservatives, nitrates, and junk. Sugar is another thing to avoid. Yes that includes the leftover Christmas cookies.
As with all food, read your labels. More than likely if the snack comes ready out of a box or bag, it is not going to be that healthy. Check each label for ingredients you are unfamiliar with and look them up. We are blessed to be able to look information up on our phones. Every now and the. I find a surprise treat that I can pick up for my kids, that is still healthy.
So what can you have? Foods that are close to nature and unprocessed. Fruits are huge! You can dehydrate them if you find a case of sale for later use or eat them fresh. Vegetables are another big one. Grab a bag of carrots and cut them up. Store then in cold water for freshness and easy quick snacking. Peas work fantastic right out of the freezer well. Nuts are another food that is usually easy to come by and snack on.
In our house I have fresh fruits and vegetables on hand most of the time for snacking. Summer is no problem as many times we are outside and the kids get what they want out of the garden. In the winter months, I use dehydrated fruit that I picked or found on sale. Bananas are easy to dehydrate. You can get instructions on how to dehydrate them here. You can usually buy dehydrated fruit, but again check the labels! Most of them are covered in sugar and dyes. I have found some dehydrated fruits without the sugar and dyes, including: apples, peaches, pineapple, mango, and banana. Carrots and peas are some favorites in our house, along with bananas, grapes, apples, and oranges.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.
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