What is Preeclampsia?
Preeclampsia is known as pregnancy-induced hypertension or toxemia. It usually develops late in pregnancy, after the 20 week mark. Preeclampsia is characterized by sudden onset of high blood pressure, excessive swelling and protein in the urine. If left untreated it can progress into eclampsia, involving seizures. 

Women carrying multiple babies, are over 40, or have high blood pressure or diabetes are at greater risk for developing preeclampsia. If you have had preeclampsia in a past pregnancy your risk increases from 8% to 33%, and increases if it was in your first pregnancy or you developed it early in the pregnancy. 

There is speculation on what the cause of preeclampsia is, genetic makeup, blood vessel defect (vessels constrict instead of widen during pregnancy), gum disease, an immune response, and nutritional deficiency. As I dug into preeclampsia, searching for answers to my own sudden issue, I found some interesting information. The truth is preeclampsia is probably a multifaceted disorder. Many doctors say they have no idea. Some have devoted their life to finding the 'cure'. One doctor found a very strong cause, Dr. Brewer. 

In the 1950's and 1960's Dr. Tom Brewer was in the process of his medical education, and researching the work of Hamlin, Strauss, Burke, and Ferguson, doctors who had worked on the problem of preeclampsia in the past 40 years. Dr. Brewer discovered that the cause of pre-eclampsia was an abnormal blood volume, caused by malnutrition, or food deficiency. 

Nutrition, is it really that simple? In many cases yes. Simply making sure you have the proper nutrients in the correct relations can prevent many issues in general. Nutrition is so much more important during pregnancy. 

What can you do? Well Dr. Brewer has a website you can scour through here. I have also put together a small course full of my tips from all my research, diet guides, and nutritional extras for when you just can eat enough. You can find that here

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