Say Hello to Tallow: Your New Lotion-Making Best Friend
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When we think of beef, we think of steaks and burgers, right? But there’s another product of a beef carcass that may surprise you. Tallow - rendered beef fat - is an incredibly useful and versatile ingredient that can be used in cooking and even skincare! And for moms wanting to save a few dollars and eliminate harmful toxins from their lotions, making your own lotion from tallow might just be the perfect option for you.
First, let’s talk about the benefits of using tallow in your lotion. Tallow is rich in vitamins A, D, K, and E, which are all crucial for maintaining healthy skin. These vitamins can help soothe dry skin, reduce inflammation and redness, and even prevent or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Tallow is also an excellent moisturizer that can penetrate deep into the skin, leaving it feeling soft and supple.
Now, on to the recipe! My favorite tallow lotion recipe is a modification of one from Jill of the Prairie Homestead. Here’s what you’ll need:
  • 16 oz tallow
  • 4 T olive oil (or other liquid oil)
  • 5 ml essential oil (optional, but make sure to use a high-quality pure oil I recommend Young Living. You can grab some with the link here)
  • 2 t arrowroot powder (optional, to reduce greasiness)
  1. To make the lotion, melt the tallow and allow it to cool to room temperature, but not harden. 
  2. Add the olive oil and stir with a wooden spoon to combine. 
  3. Place the mixture in the fridge until solid, then remove and allow it to warm to room temperature. This will make whipping easier. 
  4. Using a hand-held mixer, whip the tallow mixture until it appears fluffy like whipped cake frosting. 
  5. Finally, add in the arrowroot powder and essential oils.
One of the great things about making your own lotion from tallow is that you can customize the scent and texture to your liking. You can choose any essential oil scent that appeals to you and adjust the amount of arrowroot powder to create a lotion that’s less greasy or more fluffy in texture. Plus, you’ll know exactly what’s going into your lotion - no more mystery chemicals or additives.
But why stop at lotion? Tallow can also be used in other DIY skincare products, like lip balm, body butter, and even soap. Its moisturizing properties make it an excellent addition to any skincare routine, and it’s an affordable and sustainable ingredient to use.
The easiest option to finding tallow is to ask your local butcher or farmer for beef fat trimmings. You will have to render it down yourself. You can find those directions here. Alternatively, you can also purchase tallow on our online store here

Tallow may not be the most glamorous ingredient, but it’s certainly one to keep on your radar. Making your own lotion from tallow is a simple and affordable way to eliminate toxins from your skincare routine and nourish your skin with beneficial vitamins. Give it a try and see how your skin feels - you might be surprised by the results!

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