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Another way I chose which plants to start growing regularly was what do we consume the most of (excluding garden plants). HERBS!! I love to season food with home grown herbs and spices. So naturally I decided to grow them. The easiest accessible place for my herbs was right off my front door, but how to keep the dogs from destroying them? Old mineral tubs!! Or you can use any old container really. This allowed me to be able to move the plants as needed too! So what do I grow?
Basil – several varieties are available with slight differences in flavors. This is one that is an annual, BUT it does readily re-seed. In Nebraska it is difficult to get going from seed outside, but it is easy to take the seeds from the plant in the fall and start them in a pot inside then transfer outside once it is warm. Harvest the leaves as the plant grows, leaving leaves below so it will continue growth.
Parsley – This on is a biannual. IF YOU GET THE CORRECT VARIETY. Harvest from it the first year by continuing to cut leaves as they grow. The second year let the plant go and mature to seeds, as the leaves are bitter tasting. This does mean you will need 2 plants that will alternate years. I finally found the correct variety last year, so this spring I’ll let you know if it overwinters in the pot.
Oregano – I have yet to get this one to come back in the spring, but I have it in a large pot above ground. It is however easy to get a cut going from the mature plant, for the next year. Oregano spreads very easily, so make sure it is contained.
Sage – This does well in a pot and comes back! I was shocked honestly. It will grow to a bush size if it has the space.
Rosemary – This one might overwinter if you have the correct variety and have it in the ground. It has also proven slightly difficult to start from seed, so I’ll get back to you on the specifics to make this one the best….
Thyme – Again so many varieties! Also still perfecting the growing of this one…. It does start fairly easy from seed but needs hot weather before it really takes off.
Dill – Annual, but self-seeds so easy! Harvest what you what for the seeds but leave a few to drop back into the soil for the next round. I will often have 2 batches per year.
Cilantro – Another annual that readily self-seeds. Only cut 1/3 of the plant at a time when you harvest the leaves. Leave a few seeds at the end to let them fall back to the ground. I will often have a spring and fall harvest with this one as well.
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