Balancing Farm Life with Time Management
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Life on a farm can feel like an endless whirlwind, especially when you’re juggling family, debt management, and learning the ropes of running a business. Trust me, I’ve been there. But I've found a powerful tool that has helped me regain control and find peace amidst the chaos—a simple planner.
The Magic of a Planner
A planner might seem like a small thing, but it can make a huge difference in managing your farm life. Here’s why it’s essential:
With so many tasks on your plate, it’s easy to forget important details. A planner helps keep track of everything, from daily chores to long-term goals. Jot down everything—when to plant crops, when to expect deliveries, and even personal tasks like grocery shopping. This way, nothing slips through the cracks.
Time Management
Knowing how long tasks will take is vital. In the beginning, I often underestimated how much time tasks required, leading to late nights and burnout. By timing tasks and noting them in a planner, you can allocate your day more effectively. This helps in avoiding over commitment and ensures there is time for family and personal rest.
Not all tasks are created equal. A planner allows you to prioritize what’s most important. Mark urgent tasks and those that can wait. This way, energy can be focused on what truly matters, whether it’s a critical farm task or a moment with the children.
Reflect and Adjust
Use a planner not just for scheduling but for reflection. At the end of each week, review what worked and what didn’t. Adjust plans accordingly. Farming is unpredictable, but having a record helps you learn and adapt more quickly.
Practical Tips for Using a Planner
Here are some practical tips to get the most out of your planner:
Set Realistic Goals
Each week, jot down tasks that need to be accomplished. Then schedule those tasks into the week. Don’t overload your schedule—being realistic about what can be achieved reduces stress and increases the sense of accomplishment.
Include Personal Time
Make sure the planner includes time for rest and activities that recharge you. Whether it’s a quiet moment with a book or a walk around the farm, personal time is essential for maintaining well-being.
Family Involvement
Involve your husband and children in planning. This not only lightens the load but also makes them feel involved and appreciated. Assigning age-appropriate tasks to kids can teach them responsibility and the value of teamwork.
Farming can be unpredictable. Weather changes, equipment breaks down, and unexpected challenges arise. The planner should be a guide, not a strict schedule. Be ready to adjust plans as needed. Schedule open time to catch up on the tasks that got missed because of the unexpected.
Embracing the Journey
The journey you’re on is challenging but also incredibly rewarding. Using a planner to organize tasks and manage time can bring a sense of stability and control. Remember, it’s not just about surviving; it’s about finding moments of joy and satisfaction in the work you do and the life you’re building with your family.
You’re not alone in this. Lean on faith, family, and the farming community. With careful planning and a bit of grace, you’ll find your rhythm and see your farm—and your family—thrive.
By incorporating these simple tools, you can live more authentically, with stability and a flexible schedule. If you’re ready to take the next step in creating a thriving life on your farm, I’m here to help. Let's connect and explore how we can make your dreams a reality.
Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Thriving Through Farm Distress: Wife’s Support Network! In our community, we embrace the challenges of farm life and provide a supportive space for wives facing the complexities of managing a family farm. Whether you're navigating financial pressures, day-to-day operations, or seeking ways to create a thriving home, we're here for you. Explore gardening tips for cultivating your own oasis, share insights on animal care, and discover practical family budgeting strategies. Together, let's grow through challenges, flourish authentically, and sow the seeds for a resilient and thriving farm life. Join us on this journey of resilience and abundance! 
As I've grown in my journey as an entrepreneur, mom, gardener, and livestock owner, I struggled to find a planner that met my needs and kept me organized. So, I MADE MY OWN. You can look at it on the link below and buy it on amazon below.
Don't want the whole calendar part? I got you! I pulled the gardening and animal care pages out and put them in a book all their own. 
Starting to garden doesn't have to be hard! I gathered all the tips I've learned over my gardening learning curve and made them into a simple course to jump start your gardening your life. 
Supporting Your Family Naturally from the Inside Out community!! This community is for Mommas, looking to Support Your Family from Nature for Wellness. Tips range from nutrition, herbals, detoxing, natural cleaning, and essential oils. Basically, all the things I’ve learned slowly over the past 5+ years of my journey. We have moved off Facebook, to better serve our community and be able to discuss openly options for providing for your family in the best way possible.
Join the FREE Community
I've had 3 very different pregnancies. After the first traumatic birth, I learned better and how to care for my body naturally and prevent common pregnancy and birth problems before they arise. This quick course will get you the tools you need to have a naturally healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery. My first pregnancy I had a normal western medicine all the things pregnancy. My second? I flipped to completely natural, no medicine. Bonus: Preventing Preeclampsia Without the Aspirin & Healing from Birth Trauma


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