Whole Food Cooking Made Easy

Whole Food Cooking Made Easy

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What is whole cooking, besides a recent health trend? Whole cooking is cooking with food that is as close to nature as possible. It is cooking without preservatives, boxes, and processed foods. That means no more boxes ready made, hamburger helper meals. How do you make quick last minute meals?!? Don’t fret, read to the end for two of my favorite go to quick, whole food meals. 


The biggest tip to whole cooking is to have ingredients ready and on hand. Keeping foods like frozen or fresh vegetables on hand, potatoes, rice (NOT instant rice), dried beans, meat, eggs, olive oil, fresh and dehydrated fruits, and your favorite herbs and spices. Make sure to check the meat label, especially ground meat. 


Buy local if possible. During the recent pandemic a bill was slipped through allowing food processors to change and add ingredients and fillers to stretch the food. AKA your meat could have dyes, soy protein or fake meat mixed in. It is well worth it just for the meat to buy a freezer and buy an entire side or quarter from a local producer. Saves you money in the long run and you have fresh 100% beef/lamb/pork, that you can be sure of. 


Meal planning is essential to make meals easier. Plan your meals and prep all the ingredients at once if you can. Need carrots multiple days? Chop them all up on the first recipe and store them in water in the fridge. You can also make simple meals and freeze them in a casserole pan for later use when you are entirely too busy to cook at all. 


My favorite, oh crap we stayed outside too long and now everyone is hangry, meals are skillet dinners or rice bowls. Both are very versatile and quick to make. You make them to your flavor or seasoning like and bam! Dinner is ready! I use taco seasoning a lot, and Italian herbs. I make my own taco seasoning so it is easy to use. You can find that recipe here. Italian herbs I use include basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper. Add each to your preferred taste. 


Potato Skillet

1-2 pounds of ground meat (beef/lamb/pork)

Potatoes (one per person roughly)

1 package of frozen veggies

Herbs and spices of choice


Brown the beef, add the potatoes and vegetables. Cook until potatoes are tender, add herbs/spices. Stir and serve!



Rice Bowl

1-2 pounds ground meat (beef/lamb/pork)

1 package frozen vegetables

Herbs and spices of choice (love Bragg Aminos sauce)

Rice - cook in rice cooker


Brown meat. Add vegetables and seasonings. Serve over rice. 





Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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Three Simple Things to cut to Improve your Health

Three Simple Things to cut to Improve your Health

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Everyone wants better health, but what are some affordable first steps? Keep reading and I’ll give you my simple, easy tips. Best part? They can actually help you save your hard earned dollar too!


First thing to cut is the sugary drinks. Pop is one of the worst offenders. A 16 oz of coke has 44g of sugar and it’s usually not even raw sugar. Much of the pop in America is actually High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). The body processes HFCS differently, absorbing it quicker and readily into the muscles. Gatorade has quite a bit of sugar as well, with 36g in a 20 oz. One cup of juice is 23g of sugar! Even most juices, even no sugar added, are loaded with sugar. Yes fruit is good for you. The problem with juices is none of the fiber or phytonutrients are in juice like they are in fresh fruit. 


Why is sugar bad? Sugar gives the body quick energy with a massive crash when it runs out. This starts a crazy roller coaster cycle trying to keep your energy levels up. Sugar also fights the body’s immune system instead of helping, and increases the inflammation in the body. This makes you more susceptible to disease and have a general ache all over. 


So what can I drink? Water. The occasional no sugar added juice is ok, but consumed with extreme moderation. If you are needing some flavor opt for fresh fruit slices soaked in the water. Or vitality essential oils like lemonorangeor lime work well too. One drop does a 32 oz yeti. Just make sure you are drinking out of glass or stainless steel, as essential oils break down the synthetics in plastic bottles. 


The second thing you can eliminate from your diet is highly processed foods. These include boxed dinners, canned fruits and vegetables, and foods with extra filler ingredients. Become a chronic label reader. If there are ingredients you are unfamiliar with, look them up. Avoid sugar substitutes, high-fructose corn syrup, MSG, Aspartame, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, yeast extract, and dyes. 


Replace your processed foods with whole raw foods, as you use them up. Start by going through your current foods and looking up the ingredients you don’t recognize. If they have unhealthy ingredients out an X through the box and replace it with something better when you go shopping. 



Third, caffeine. Yep I’m coming for your coffee and pop again. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good cup of coffee. However, excessive use of caffeine can have long term health effects. Caffeine is a stimulant and increases heart rate and blood pressure. Caffeine also gives the same  roller coaster up and crashes as sugar. 


Replace your constant caffeine flow with water. If you need the extra boost Ningxia Red or Ningxia nitro are my favorites for that energy boost. Ningxia is a fruit purée instead of just a juice. Meaning not only does it have the vitamin and minerals, but also the fiber, giving you a long lasting boost without the crash. Nitro is loaded with ribose, a key ingredient in ATP, your body's main energy source. 



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How to make taco seasoning at home

How to make taco seasoning at home

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Have you looked at the back of those taco seasoning packets lately? One I recently looked at contained: Corn starch, maltodextrin, vegetable oil, silicon dioxide, citric acid, sugar, flavor. Many flavor packets also have MSG (mono-sodium glutamate). That’s not even the spices that just fillers! What is up with all that?!

Corn starch was ok. Citric acid and sugar I understood for preserving. But why the vegetable oil, silicon dioxide, and maltodextrin? MSG is a flavor enhancer that gets you addicted to the food. That pop, McDonald’s fries or ice cream you can’t put down? Yep there is MSG in there. MSG also can be an allergen for some. 

I was not ok with that. I didn’t even realize how much filler was in food seasoning until I started reading labels looking for food allergens. You would be surprised how much gluten and soy are in. 

The good news is I found a simple way to make taco seasoning at home without all the extra. Bonus is it has spices that are usually in the kitchen anyway. I mix it up in a batch about the size of the jar in the picture and use as we cook. We love tacos and Mexican food at our house, so it has never been old enough to begin caking. Just shake the jar before use and apply as much as desired.

For this recipe you will want to store it in an airtight glass jar. This will prevent it from caking better, especially if your spices live near the stove like mine. I can put two batches in my jar, but I layer them in so mixing is easier. I also add a little extra cumin, because my family likes it. 

Taco Seasoning

1 T chili powder 

¼ t garlic powder

¼ t onion powder

¼ t oregano

½ t paprika

1 ½ t cumin

1 t salt

1 t black pepper 

¼ t crushed red pepper

Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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What is the difference between Midwife, CNM, OBGYN & Family Doctor?

What is the difference between Midwife, CNM, OBGYN & Family Doctor?

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For in depth reading on midwife history and natural birth check out Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth. This is a brief summary of different childbirth providers. 


Midwives specialize in normal pregnancy and birth. Individualized care, focusing on minimizing use of obstetrical intervention. Midwifery is associated with fewer episiotomies, forceps and vacuum-extractor deliveries, epidurals, and cesarean sections. They are trained to identify the small percentage of births which complications develop and refer these women to obstetricians. There are several types of midwives:


  • Certified nurse midwives (CNM) - These are registered nurses who have completed additional postgraduate training at an accredited institution by the American College of Nurse - Midwives (ACNM). 

  • Direct entry - Any midwife who did not become a registered nurse in the midwife training process. 

    • Certified professional Midwife- certified by the North American Registry of Midwives 

    • Certified Midwives - certified by the ACC (credentialing arm of ACNM)

    • Licensed Midwives - licensed by the state to practice. 

  • Lay Midwife - a midwife who learned through apprenticeship and not formal schooling. This does NOT mean UNTRAINED. 


Family doctors most prevalent in rural areas. May not have surgical privileges and refer to an obstetrician if c-section is necessary. Tend to have lower rates of intervention than obstetricians


Obstetricians (OBGYN) doctors who specialize in obstetrics. They are trained on detecting and treating the pathological problems of pregnancy, labor and birth. They are surgeons and can perform cesarean sections, forceps and vacuum-extractor birth. They outnumber family doctors and midwives in north American due to the past dominance over the other two professions. They design most hospital maternity rules and routines. 


Home births are usually attended by some kind of direct entry or lay midwife. Birth centers have all kinds of midwives, depending on the state regulations. CNM’s are usually found within hospital settings. Family doctors and obstetricians work within hospitals. 


Depending on where you live will often determine who is available to you as a provider. As with any provider, interview them before you commit to them in pregnancy.  It will make a huge difference in your pregnancy. 

For more on a Health Natural Pregnancy I have a whole course with all the details.  https://getoiling.com/CassandraRow/landing/naturally-healthy-birth

Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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My Path to Finding Redemption in Birth

My Path to Finding Redemption in Birth

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It was January 2016, I was pregnant for the first time. It was earlier than anticipated, and I wasn’t ready for it. God and I wrestled back and forth for weeks before I finally surrendered to Him and was beginning to become excited about this new life. One week later, I lost that baby. I beat myself up rolling through everything I had done in the past 2 months that might have somehow affected my ability to carry that child. I was hurting, anxious, and confused. There had to be a reason why! But no one had an answer. I had just started to dabble in natural methods and began to look for ways to heal emotionally and help the next pregnancy stick. My doctor was not interested in helping to find answers until we had been trying unsuccessfully for a year or more.

Soon after I was pregnant again! I was physically ready, but emotionally so unsure and afraid of losing this baby. I used the tools I had learned to help my body support the pregnancy, and my mind from spinning out of control with what ifs. That baby turned into a healthy baby girl, strong willed from the start. But the last trimester of her pregnancy was far from great. I was easily dehydrated, peed all the time, and ended with preeclampsia and an emergency c-section. Not the pregnancy or birth I envisioned.

It took over a year of me searching for the right help and healing before I was physically no longer in pain from that birth. Then another few months wrestling with God, on how to finish the healing process. How can You redeem and fix something like that? We finally came to the agreement that He knew better than I and could see the big picture. I prayed “God when You know I am ready, open my womb. Until then keep it closed.” He answered, with the pregnancy of our boy that fall. The difference between the two pregnancies was stark from the go. My girl’s pregnancy was riddled with anxiety and doubts. My boy’s pregnancy was filled with peace and grace. The end was still far from easy, PUPPS rash, but God healed and redeemed my little girl’s birth through my son’s.

During that time of healing, I did a lot of learning and researching. I learned how to listen to my body, and how to build it up. I learned to advocate for myself and my kids. I learned to pray, research, and find all possibilities for every decision. I learned to do the best I can with the knowledge I have, and to give myself grace and forgiveness for when I didn’t know. I learned to keep digging until I have the real answer, not just the symptom.

I love teaching others what I have learned the hard way. Every momma needs some help right? Everyone should be thriving, not just surviving. I love helping others find a different way to their answers, and thriving.

Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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Doctor, chiropractor, homeo or naturo what? What is the difference!?

Doctor, chiropractor, homeo or naturo what? What is the difference!?

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You are on this amazing journey to better health and want to dive deeper into finding a provider that matches you. Now, Doctor, Naturopath, Chiropractor, Homeopath...WHAT?! What is the difference and how do you choose? Keep reading and we will break each of these down. 


By definition, a doctor is “a qualified practitioner of medicine; a physician.” So for human traditional medicine would be a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.). Typically you will find these in hospital or clinic settings. A chiropractor, according to Oxford languages, a chiropractor is “a practitioner of the system of integrative medicine based on the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints.” Chiropractors specialize in correcting joint alignments in the body. 


Naturopathy is “a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage.” Homeopathy is “the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease.” Both of these are similar, but have stark differences in application. 


So now you’re thinking “great, they are all different. How do I pick what is the best for me?” Let’s unpack that a bit. Reality is at some point in your life any one of them is going to be the best for you. It all depends on what you are needing assistance with at the time. If your back is out of alignment, a good chiropractor is by far the best option to correct the issue. For a chronic nagging issue, and you want to avoid the traditional medication for whatever reason, you might try a naturopath, who will look at the whole body and not just a specific part. If you shatter your leg skiing you should probably seek out a doctor, specifically a surgeon to repair it. If you are faced with an acute illness and want to avoid medication, look into a homeopathic doctor. 


The thing is each has its place and purpose. Each is a tool that can be utilized freely to improve your health. Now you know. Choose what is best for the situation you are in at the moment. 


Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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Are You Really Living Toxin Free? Find out!

Are You Really Living Toxin Free? Find out!

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You might be thinking, “I’m not around chemicals, so of course I’m toxin free.” Are you sure? “Of course! I’ve switched to all-natural products.”  Have you read the labels on your household cleaners? What about your soaps? Shampoo? Lotions? If not you may want to keep reading, then go check your bathroom, even if you have the greener, all-natural products. 


In Europe, more than 1,300 chemicals are banned from use in lotions, soaps, toothpaste, cosmetics, and other personal care products. Contrast that to in the United States where just 11 are banned.  The average US woman uses 12 personal care products and/or cosmetics a day, containing 168 different chemicals, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Chemicals are all around us, they are hiding in our lotions, soaps, face washes, make-up, laundry detergent, dryer sheets and softeners, air fresheners, candles, cleaners, and more.  


A bit scary huh? So what are some of the most common chemicals hiding all around us?


  • Soaps: sodium laureth sulfate - chemical used to remove car grease off floors. It can be damaging to the skin and disruptive to immune and hormonal health .

  • Shampoos:  phthalates - banned in children's toys, but still used in cleansing products.  It is a known endocrine disruptor and very hard for the body to break down. 

  • Candles and Air fresheners: Formaldehyde - #1 cancer causing chemical. This is what they use to embalm at the morgue....

  • Household cleaners: 2-butoxyethanol - known to cause sore throat, narcosis, severe liver and kidney damage

  • Laundry detergents and dryer sheets: alpha-terpineol, benzyl alcohol, and camphor - all cause central nervous system disorders, loss of muscular coordination, central nervous system depression, headaches, nausea, and vomiting. 

  • Fragrance: a broad category that hides hundreds of chemicals.  Fun fact. Companies are not required to reveal the actual chemicals in each "fragrance", keeping the public in the dark about what the true toxicity of the products are. 

  • Talc, bismuth, parabens, lead, mercury, and mineral oil: all found in store bought skin care and makeup products.  They can disrupt the endocrine system, are highly carcinogenic, and have even been found in tumors.


Beware that products boasting "all-natural" labels can still contain harmful chemicals, so be sure to check the full list of ingredients. Better yet, simplify your routine and make your own products. A slew of lotions, potions, and hair treatments can be eliminated with a jar of coconut oil, for example.


It's important to remember that your skin is your largest and most permeable organ. Just about anything you put on your skin will end up in your bloodstream and be distributed throughout your body. Once these chemicals find their way into your body, they tend to accumulate over time because you lack the necessary enzymes to break them down.


When these toxic products are used on a daily basis, the toxins build up within our bodies (bioaccumulation).  The more we are exposed to the toxins, the harder it is for our bodies to break them down and get rid of them. This build up causes both minor and major health issues over time. This is why I'm so fond of saying "don't put anything on your body that you wouldn't eat if you had to." What you'll notice if you browse through the ingredients in any of my personal line of natural skin care products is just that – ingredients you'll know and recognize, like organic coconut oil, orange oil, or rosemary extract.


So now what? Choose better. I have become a label reader on everything I buy. You can become a DIY queen and use all ingredients you know the source of. I do make some of my own products, like my lotion, but I am a busy farm wife and momma of littles. I do not have the time to experiment and make everything. So I found an easy button, a company that is dedicated to improving wellness and chemical free living, around the world. 

Want my simple easy button? Get in touch! I will gladly help you find what you are looking for. 


Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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Prevent Vs React Technique That Changed My Life

Prevent Vs React Technique That Changed My Life

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Prevent vs React, sounds strange. How about offence vs defense? Sounds more familiar? What does this have to do with your health? Turns out a lot. Our bodies and nature are in constant motion. Laws of nature dictate that energy is required to maintain order. If you let nature happen, without inputting any energy, life or your body will decay. 


If you think about it in sports terms, is it easier to be on the offense side, commanding the game, or on the defense side, working to get to the offense? The offense of course! So why do we not do this with our own health? Perhaps because you do not know where to start. Let me help you! Take charge of your health, move your life to thriving, and decrease illness. Build your body up. 


Step one in building your body up is to feed your body well. If you give your body what it needs, most of the time it is very good at healing and defending itself. Make sure you are consuming the proper amount of vitamins and minerals (this includes the trace minerals). Many people are actually deficient in many trace minerals, even in wealthy countries. Our processed food is lacking in many of these trace minerals, and the vitamins are also lacking. Our store bought food is also lacking enzymes it naturally has fresh that help our bodies break food down for better digestion. Unless you are eating it straight out of the garden. Enzymes are very fragile and easily destroyed. It Is well worth investing in an enzyme supplement and vitamin/mineral supplement. If you need help finding an effective supplement message me, I’d be glad to help you. I talked more about food earlier in You are What you Eat. 


Step two, decrease your sugar! I have talked about this one a lot. I will also be the first to admit I need to decrease my sugar intake. I am good at minimizing my kid’s sugar intake, but my own? HA! After they go to sleep, I take my peanut butter, and some vanilla, a heaping scoop of sugar, and maybe a handful of chocolate chips and enjoy my mini-flourless helping of cookie dough. In all seriousness though, sugar fights the immune system and increases inflammation in the body. 


Step three, use nature to aid your body when needed. Herbal teas and blends do wonders for the body when it needs the extra boost. This is especially easy if you like hot teas. Plus a hot tea, with a little honey when you feel ill, is extremely soothing. 


Step four, piggy-backs off step three. If you are not a big tea drinker, you can use essential oils. I apply these daily to myself and my kids. CAUTION you must know your source to ensure they are truly pure and have the correct properties and are the correct frequency to give the desired results. Again, contact me if you would like some help here. Essential oils are much like herbs, except much more concentrated. This means you need less to do the same job as the herbs would do. I have an entire group to help you learn how to use essential oils and how to dilute for SAFE use with children. 


Want more information? Contact me!



Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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The Reason Why Everyone Is Obsessing About Gut Health

The Reason Why Everyone Is Obsessing About Gut Health

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First off gut health? What in the world is that? Simply put gut health is the overall balance of your digestive system. 


Is your digestive system breaking down and absorbing food as it should be? How do you know if it is not? Common signs of an unbalanced digestive system include: gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, skin irritations, some autoimmune conditions, food intolerances, allergies, sleep disturbances or constant fatigue, and unintentional weight changes. 


Why is it important to care for the gut? Besides to avoid the above reasons, 70% of your immune system is in your gut. That means your gut is the front line for invaders that make it into the body. Hippocrates stated “All disease begins in the gut,” and many have seemed to have forgotten how important gut health is to the overall body.  


Did you know one of the keys to taking care of your gut is to take care of the good bacteria that live there? There are anywhere from 300-500 different species of bacteria living in your gut. Germ-a-phobes do NOT worry! These bacteria are good and are important for helping your body break down your food. Interesting note on bacteria. One of the most important parts of ruminant nutrition I was taught in graduate school was to first feed the bacteria, then the animal. The bacteria literally feed the animals. Humans, while we have different stomachs and digestive tracts, still need to take care of the bacteria in our guts as well. 


What can you do to care for your gut? Limit processed foods and sugars, especially refined sugars like corn syrup. These increase the inflammation in the body, and upset the bacteria balance, feeding yeast and increasing sugar cravings. 


Second, lower your stress levels. I know, easier said than done. However, taking the time once a week to slow down and relax will help your body out immensely. Meditate, do yoga, go golfing, take a trail ride, whatever helps you unwind and relax. 


Third and fourth, I talked about earlier, so I’ll let you go back and read them in detail.  Get the right amount of quality of sleep and stay hydrated. These two things have a huge impact on more than just gut health. They improve the entire body function. 


Fifth, feed the good bacteria. Start taking a prebiotic, feeds the bacteria, or probiotic, replenishes the bacteria. You can also consume fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, or kombucha (drink actually) to your diet. 


Sixth, cleanse the gut. At least once a year do a cleanse. This helps to reset your gut. I do a colon cleanse in the fall at least once a year. This helps clear the junk that has been accumulating. The first time I did a cleanse I was skeptical. I was regular, I didn’t have food issues, but I did know I was off and my colon hurt (turns out this was actually scar adhesion pain). I was also 1 year postpartum, still not feeling right, and was done settling for “normal” whatever that is. I was on a quest for optimum and the colon was the first place to start. 


Post cleanse, I realized just how much my gut was holding. Those extra few pounds I could not lose after the baby was gone. The pudge of bloating I had no idea I had was gone too. The most surprising came that spring and summer, when my apple trees blooming no longer caused me to sniffle and sneeze and the sunflowers no longer caused my eyes to water and my nose to plug! 


Who is up for a cleanse? Let me know and I’ll help you get started! My fall cleanse time is coming up soon. 


Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

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A Tribe? Yes You Need One!

A Tribe? Yes You Need One!

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We’ve all heard the phrase ‘find your tribe’, but what does it actually mean? Is it really that important? It means finding the people who understand you, the people you can be real and raw with, the people who support you and lift you up. Yes it is that important for you to find your tribe. Why? Simple answer support. Let me share a story with you, then I’ll give you some tips on finding your tribe. 


There was a church with several young new couples who had started to attend. One of those couples decided they wanted to get to know the other couples better and maybe start a small group study. Five couples began meeting, at first for game night, then bible study. It took about a year of meeting together, but those couples began to be comfortable enough with each other, they could be vulnerable. What that group didn’t realize in the winter of 2015, was how much they would need each other in the following year. 


After one tearful night when hearts were laid open over the topic of pregnancy and the frustrations with people asking “WHEN”? Those women bonded. In the course of the next year, each of those couples would have a child, there would be 3 miscarriages, and one very scary NICU stay. After each of those miscarriages, those women leaned into each other, prayed with each other, supported each other, loved each other, and kept pointing them back.  They celebrated with each pregnancy and birth. They cared for and prayed hard and visited during that NICU stay. 


Those families grew even closer, during that time. Without those women in my life I would have crumbled that year and the year following. The years 2016/2017 proved to be some of the most emotionally difficult years for me to date. Did I grow? Oh yes! But not without the help of those women who have become my tribe. We still lean on each other, pray for each other, fight FOR each other, love each other, and do life together. 2020 has not been an easy year for any of us either.


So how do you find your tribe? First get out there and meet people! Find groups with similar interests and get to know the people in them. Facebook is an excellent place to meet people with similar interests. Just search Facebook for a hobby or interest. I have a group for women working towards internal healing, called Empowered Healing Women. Once you find people you understand and they understand you, continue to meet with them, start doing life with them. Pray for each other, ask how each other is doing. Finally, do not hide. Be vulnerable. Ask the hard questions, and answer them too!


The Facebook Group I mentioned:




Wanting a community to lean into? Join the FREE Courageous + Purposeful Mommas group! This community is for the Mommas, mommas to be, in the midst of raising, and kids grown, looking for tips on building your family up and providing for them through natural methods. Tips include: gardening, bulk buying, caning,/preserving, livestock, homesteading, and home remedies. Your family is precious, and this group is to help you gain the knowledge and tools to keep your family well and not reliant on outside professionals. Remedies and tips are easy and simple for the busy momma, time is precious after all, including pregnancy, birth, young kids, and illness. Trust your Momma gut again! This community offers the resources + community you need to help get started on your journey and prepare for whatever future you envision.

Join the Free Community


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